13-14 September, 2014 | 8:30pm
Jockey Club Theatre, CCDC Dance Centre
.. Mis ..
Misplace, Mistakes, Mis… Why obsess over them if the “mis-es” defines you?
The path of growing up is a lonely one. It always feels that nobody understands you and that there is no one to guide you; so by instinct, you improvise as you go along in life; yet who dares say they don’t have any regrets throughout their path? Until one day, you can finally let go of those “mis-es” that caught you up and realize that they are exactly those mis-es that mold the person you current are.
And that, my friend, is when you are grown up.
Choreographer: Michael Tong
Michael Tong was first introduced to dancing when he entered university at the age of 19 . He joined the modern dance society of CUHK and had participated in multiple intervarsity dance performances and competitions. It is not until 2009 has he received technical training in Studiodanz. He joined the Showbiz project co-organized by Studiodanz and Space team in 2010 and had participated in several commercial performances including dancing for beauty pageants and in music videos. Since 2011, he has been focusing mainly on modern and contemporary and had taken part in modern dance pieces such as Solo Act II choreographed by Pewan Chow.
Tong has always been passionate about choreography; inspired by the various dance styles he has been exposed to, he takes interest in different possibilities in movements and has created pieces ranging from lyrical jazz to more contemporary recently. Thanks to REAL showcase, he finally has the opportunity to launch his first full length dance piece
REAL Showcase New Series is co-presented by CCDC Dance Centre and Hong Kong Dance Alliance.