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Archive  |  Festivals, Seminars, Workshops   |  2018

Festivals, Seminars, Workshops

Joseph Lee : Dancer Audition X Workshop

2018.12.22 - 23



Local choreographer Joseph Lee is holding a two-day contemporary dance workshop on 22-23 December, to share his thoughts gained from the exchange experiences in Europe, his current research and the artistic direction. Meanwhile, Joseph also wishes to meet and connect with local performers, seeking partners for his new creation premiered in September 2019 and upcoming production(s) in 2020. 

The workshop will utilize improvisation as devices, in search for the possibilities of bodies in motion, to connect the mind and the body, forming a dialogue. Research on creation topics in future production(s) will be conducted, discussing the topics and implementing trails in an open environment, to gain mutual understanding and explore the space for exchange in creation. 

► Details of Workshop and Audition
Date: 2018.12.22-23 (Sat – Sun)

Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Venue: Wanchai

► Application Method: 
Applicants with professional dance and physical training backgrounds are welcome to apply. Applicants must attend both two-days of the workshop.

Online Application Form︰
Application Deadline: 2018.12.18 (Tue)

Suitable candidates will be invited, all applicants will receive an email notification before December 21 for the result. Invited pariticants will recevie the details of the event. 

//About Joseph Lee//

Joseph Lee was a local choreographer, and began his dance training at the age of seventeen. He further his dance training at The Place, London Contemporary Dance School in UK, where he obtained his Master of Arts (Contemporary Dance) in 2015. Lee tried to expand the imaginations in dance with his choreography and dance by extensive collaboration with different art forms. Lee joined Unlock Dancing Plaza as an apprentice upon his return at the beginning of 2015 and became their resident artist afterwards. 

Recent Choreography includes It tastes like you (2016), Folding Echoes (2016), The World Was Once Flat (2018).

Lee was awarded Arts Development Award for Young Artist; the Chin Lin Foundation of Emerging Choreographer. 

More info: 

Enquiries: Chloe Wong (chloe@hkdanceall.org/ 2267 6733)

Photo: The Light Particles

Festivals, Seminars, Workshops

DanceHub: Law Seminars for Arts Practitioners

2018.11.17 - 24

To enhance the legal knowledge of artists and art administrators, the Hong Kong Dance Alliance (HKDA) has invited Mr. Albert So, Chairman of the Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Center, to conduct two seminars:


Company Law and Audit Regulations

Date & Time: 17/11 (六 Sat) 2-5pm

Venue:Hong Kong Management Association

Deadline of registration:12/11 (Mon)


► Fundraising Liabilities and Personal Data Collection

Date & Time:24/11 (Sat) 2-5pm

Venue:HKFYG Continuous Learning Centre

Deadline of registration:19/11 (Mon)


Apply Now!



Mr. Albert So (Chairman, Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre)






Independent artists, producers, arts administrators, presenters *Priority for dance practitioners



HKDA Members:$100/seminar; 10% off for both seminars (Total $180)

Non-members:$150/seminar; 10% off for both seminars (Total $270)


No refund


Enquiries: Ms Wong (2267 6733)

Festivals, Seminars, Workshops

DanceHub: Law Seminars for Arts Practitioners

2018.7.26 - 8.18

In order to enhance the legal knowledge of artists, designers and art administrators, the Hong Kong Dance Alliance (HKDA) has invited Mr. Albert So, Chairman of the Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Center, to conduct two seminars:

►Internet and Copyright Law
Date & Time: 26/7 (Thur) 2-5pm
Deadline of registration:18/7 (Wed)

►Contract and Labour Law
Date & Time:18/8 (Sat) 2-5pm

Deadline of registration:8/8 (Wed)

Click here for Online Registration

Mr. Albert So (Chairman, Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre)

Hong Kong Management Association 

Room 202, 2/F, First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay


Independent artists, producers, arts administrators, presenters, designers (sound, set, light, props, costumes, multimedia, etc) 

HKDA Members:$100/seminar; 10% off for both seminars (Total $180)
Non-members:$150/seminar; 10% off for both seminars (Total $270)

Limited quota; register now!
*(Priority for dance practitioners)

Thalia Wong
Tel.: 2267 6631
Email: admin@hkdanceall.org

Festivals, Seminars, Workshops



如何將藝術理念寫成計劃書獲取資助? 計劃書和財政預算究竟要甚麼內容? 藝發局一年兩度接受申請的「計劃資助」亦將於6月30日截止,針對獨立舞者/舞團的需求,舞盟邀請到獨立製作人李海燕 (Joanna Lee)與我們分享實戰經驗。詳情如下:

講者: 李海燕 (Joanna Lee)
日期及時間: 6月21日 (四) 7 – 9 pm
地點 : CCDC舞蹈中心 1號室# (不設坐椅)

- 簡介本地資助體系、配套、程序和規則
- 教授計劃書的撰寫方法,個案分析:藝發局「計劃資助」
語言: 廣東話
對象: 有興趣遞交計劃書之藝術家/藝術行政人員 (舞蹈界別優先)

要求: 參加者需
(1) 略讀 藝發局計劃資助申請準則

(2) 試填 計劃資助申請表格


截止日期: 6/18 (一) 

場地贊助: CCDC 舞蹈中心
註: 講者分享純為個人對proposal的書寫方法,不代表任何藝發局審批準則或其他審批員意見。