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Dance Enhance: Dance Appreciation & Criticism Writing Project 2016 Recruitment




Dance Enhance: Dance Appreciation & Criticism Writing Project 2016

13.9.2016 - 10.1.2017
Learn to appreciate and analyze dance!
Watch performances and interact with dancers and choreographers.
Write reviews, get feedback from professional critics and have the chance to see your work published.
Appreciating Dance
Participants will attend 4 interactive lectures, including live demonstrations by dancers; 4 productions in those genres by local dance companies; a rehearsal of a new production, including Q&A with the choreographer, to help understand the process of creating dance.
Analyzing Dance
Participants will take part in discussion sessions led by professional dance critics after each performance; a workshop to review how “we see what we want to see” and a dance workshop conducted by a leading local choreographer to learn about dance as a language and experience movement and the process of creating movement.
Writing About Dance
Participants will write reviews of the productions they attend and will receive written feedback on their work from mentors who are professional dance critics; selected work will be published in dance journal/hk.
Application Deadline: 7. 9. 2016   
Early Bird: 31. 8. 2016
Presented by
Hong Kong Dance Alliance 丨 www.hkdanceall.org
Supported by
Arts Administration Association
Hong Kong Dance Alliance is financally supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council